% A quick, easy guide on how to set up and use the Kratky hydroponic method for growing plants. Suitable for beginners!

How to Grow Kratky Method Plants: A Passive Hydroponic System

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How to Grow Plants with the Kratky Method?: A Passive Hydroponic System

Are you looking for an easy and efficient way to grow plants?

The Kratky method is a passive hydroponic system that can help you do just that! This method is simple and low-maintenance, making it perfect for anyone who wants to garden but doesn’t have a lot of time or experience.

This blog post will discuss the Kratky method in detail and show you how to set up your system at home!

What Is the Kratky Hydroponic Method, and How Does It Work?

The Kratky hydroponic method is a type of hydroponics that does not rely on pumps or other mechanical systems to move water and nutrients to the plants. Instead, the plants can place in a container of nutrient-rich water, and the water is allowed to flow over the roots passively.** This simple and low-maintenance method is ideal for small-scale indoor gardening and is popular among home growers.

The Kratky hydroponic method was developed by Dr. Bernard Kratky, a professor of botany at the University of Hawaii. He first began experimenting with Kratky hydroponics in the late 1990s to grow plants without using soil. The method is named after him and has since become popular among home growers for its simplicity and low maintenance requirements.

The water level in the reservoir will drop as the plants develop and absorb more solution with water and nutrients they require to thrive. The exposed portions of the plant’s roots can breathe, obtaining adequate oxygen and good lit.

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How to Set Up the Kratky Hydroponic Method?

To get started with the Kratky hydroponic method, you will need:

What you need to get started with the DIY kratky hydroponics


If you lack resources, you can still purchase from Amazon. Checkout this affiliate link if you need to check the prices and available products such as bottles and lids specially made for Kratky system

Once you have gathered these items, you are ready to start planting by following the steps below!

  1. Fill your container with a growing medium and wet it thoroughly.
  2. Adjust the pH level of the water required for your plants. More knowledge required can obtain through a little research on the internet or at a garden center near you.
  3. Sow your seeds or seedlings in the growing medium and then pour the nutrient solution over them until they are covered.
  4. Place your container in a location that will receive direct sunlight and wait for your plants to sprout! You can use lighting setups if you are growing indoors. Do you know the difference between grow light and sunlight? Read this post to learn more.
  5. Monitor the plant growth for any drastic changes and make sure the aeration is good, and enjoy the yield!

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What Are the Benefits of Using the Kratky Hydroponic Method?

The Kratky hydroponic method has several benefits, including:

What Are the Disadvantages of Using the Kratky Hydroponic Method?

  • The Kratky method isn’t ideal for all plant types
  • You may also use the Kratky system to produce fruit-bearing plants, tomatoes, and cucumbers. They will require more attention than leafy greens or herbs because you must water them more frequently.
  • The Kratky system is not ideal for large-scale production goals.
  • Pests can be a problem for the Kratky system, so it’s essential to take precautions to avoid them, especially when you grow outdoor.
  • Algae can be a problem in Kratky systems exposed to light, but you can mitigate this by using a solid-colored reservoir and only exposing the top of your system to light.

Related How to Keep the PH Level of Each Hydroponic Growing Medium? 6 Easy Steps to Prevent Algae Growth In Rockwool

What Plants Grow in Kratky?

Crops that can be successfully grown with the Kratky method include various plants, from leafy greens like lettuce to fruiting crops like tomatoes and potatoes.

The Kratky method is popular among hydroponic gardeners because it can successfully grow a wide range of plants.

Larger crops like tomatoes may struggle with inadequate oxygen levels in the root zone, but most leafy greens and herbs do well in Kratky systems. For example, you can grow basil, kale, Swiss chard, lettuce, cilantro, dill, and other herbs using Kratky hydroponics.

Related: 5 vegetables to grow with kratky method

Where Can We Grow Using the Kratky Method?

Using the Kratky hydroponic method, you can grow plants indoors, outdoors, and in greenhouses. Because the nutrient solution might be swiftly diluted or washed away in areas with heavy rain, it’s challenging to utilize a Kratky-style garden outdoors.

I suggest you see these two videos by Khang Starr and MIgardner on how to make Kratky hydroponic for tomatoes using a bottle/jar and a bucket.

Videos by Khang Starr

Videos by MIgardner

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In Conclusion.

The Kratky hydroponic method is a simple and effective technique for growing leafy green vegetables, herbs, or fruiting plants. It is a popular choice for people just getting started in hydroponics.

It can be set in any container, with minimal equipment needed. It’s perfect for small indoor gardens that don’t require much maintenance or technical know-how to set up.

Kratky has some minor downsides that you can mitigate, but this method is perfect for beginners or those looking to get into hydroponics on a smaller scale. With a little extra care and diligence, anyone can use it successfully.

Kratky works best when growing indoor vegetables, like lettuce and cilantro outdoors. It’s difficult because heavy rain is washing away nutrients from plants.

Kratkies work great as they require little maintenance and produce few pests compared to traditional farming methods, so if you’re trying out hydroponics, give Krakty a try!

Thank you for reading!

Also, read:
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